Tournament Reset
Ice Goddess Melanie
2024-09-18 19:31:32
School and work together is driving me crazy.
But I reset the Tournament. I did not complete my last two rounds, I did not feel it would be fair if I overtook someone finishing my own.
Summer Semester!!
Ice Goddess Melanie
2024-06-26 19:57:58
Been very busy, apologies for absence.
I actually had to withdraw from one of my two classes, because it was too much, especially with all the work my job schedules me for!
I have about amonth left in semester, and then 3-4 weeks off before Fall Semester starts, so I wil have a brief window in which t look into anything that needs to be looked into, please Petition these items.
Fixed Jonescave Arrows, Renamed Flower Shoppe
Admin Kalisiin
2024-05-03 18:14:42
I have adjusted the arrows for Jones Cave, we will see if this helps. Also, per a request, I changed the name of Velle's Flower Shop, as her name was very similar to Vessa's name.
Pool Of Darkness Problem Fixed
Admin Kalisiin
2024-04-16 02:58:57
I fixed it, at least temporarily, by making it impossible for the Talisman to fail to resurrect.
I have to look into the coding more to find out why it sticks you there indefinitely before restoring the chance of a failed resurrection.
Needless to say, this is not, at this time, a super high priority!
Delays and Tournament
Ice Goddess Melanie
2024-04-14 10:28:13
I apologize for delays in taking care of thngs, life has been a little chaotic at the moment...I am in my final weeks of the Semester, I just got job transferred to another store, and I have political conventions upocming with a body in which I serve as 1st Vice Chair.
As such, I have not had time to pay proper attention to things.
I therefore doubled the free turns awards for donations for this month as compensation and offer my apology for the fact that life has gotten a little crazy.
As to the Tournament...
Two players tied for first place, and the program doesn't allow for this possiblity.
I therefore went in the Mayor's House with the stats as they showed on the board (Kristy 2nd Place, Marlie 1st place)
HOWEVER, I manually upped the prize Kristy got to equal a first place finish, and upped the prize Amanda got so that, though she finished third, got a second-place size award.
I do plan on taking Summer Semester, but only two classes. After June's State Convention, things should definitely start to quiet down a bit...so I am just going to have to ask everyone to be patient with me and understand that I am a human being too, and thus also have lots of obligations to meet in addition to taking care of things here.
I sincerely apologize for being unable to keep up as well as I would like here just lately, and ask for patience and understanding.
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